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c. 1735 - c. 1837

Chief Tishu Miko (now written as Tishominko) was born about 1735 in Mississippi and has come to be remembered as one of the last hereditary leaders of the Chickasaws. Tishominko, meaning "speaker for the leader,” served as a valued counselor to such notable Chickasaw leaders as Piominko, Itawamba and Ishtehotopa.

Tishominko was known for leading warriors by example and was highly respected for his honesty and high moral standards. He served with distinction in the United States Military in the Battle of Fallen Timbers, the Red Stick Conflict with the Creeks and the War of 1812.

Chief Tishominko was an influential, preeminent leader and fought many battles. Some of Tishominko’s greatest influence and service was during the time leading up to and during the Chickasaw Removal. He made several trips to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., and was a principal signer in the Treaties of 1816 and 1818 as well as the Treaty of Pontotoc in 1832.

The Chickasaws met at Good Spring on Pennington Creek to form a constitutional government in August 1856. The small town that grew up near this place was named Tishomingo in honor of the leader.

A district in the old Chickasaw Nation, a county in Chickasaw Nation Indian Territory and a county, town and stream in present-day Mississippi are all named in honor of Tishominko.

Tishominko passed away before reaching Indian Territory near the Little Rock depot. It is believed that he succumbed to small pox at more than 100 years old during removal from the Homeland, near the Little Rock depot. His burial site is unknown.

Today, the capital city of the Chickasaw Nation carries his name and the Great Seal of the Chickasaw Nation bears his image as a symbol of what it means to be Chickasaw.

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